On January 21st, we are excited to again welcome the Rev. Dr. Micheal Smith from Bishop Anderson House to preach at our 10am service and join the formation hour afterwards. Chaplain Micheal provides spiritual support for patients recovering from serious injuries in the Burn Unit at Cook County's Stroger Hospital. During the harshest weather months the Burn Unit experiences a significant increase in patients, including a large number of housing- and food-insecure patients. Many homeless patients are immediately faced with the challenge of securing food after discharge, for some even when they are being discharged to a shelter. Recognizing this essential need, Chaplain Micheal partnered with Burn Unit nurses, social workers, and staff dietitians to create “Samaritan” backpacks with non-perishable items to ensure that no one goes hungry after leaving the hospital.
In 2021, Emmanuel was able to provide 10 backpacks and make a significant difference in so many lives. Let's try and beat that this year! There are two ways to help: by bringing food to church or donating money to buy the backpacks and any other supplies needed. Here are the most requested items:
To donate money, you can drop a check in the collection plate with "Backpacks" in the memo line or click here to give online. We will be taking the backpacks to Bishop Anderson House in early February, so please have all donations to the church by the Annual Meeting on February 4th.
Thanks for your generosity!